Buttered Radishes

1 1/2 pounds red radishes, about 3 bunches, trimmed leaving 1/4 inch of green stem
2 teaspoons Anglesey Sea Salt
1 teaspoon Chef's Grind Black Pepper
6 Tablespoons unsalted butter
3 tablespoons fresh dill or parsley, chopped
1. Cut off the roots at the base of each radish, then cut radish in half from top to bottom. Soak radishes in a large bowl of lukewarm water, agitating them to loosen any clinging sand. Drain and rinse, then soak them in cold water. Soak and rinse a third time if necessary.
2. Put radishes, Anglesey Sea Salt and Chefs Grind Black Pepper, butter and 1 cup of water in a large skillet. Bring to a boil over high heat. Cover and reduce heat to a brisk simmer. Cook radishes until tender when pierced but no further, about 5 minutes.
3. Remove lid, raise heat and boil to evaporate most of the liquid. Serve in the buttery juices with sprinkling of dill or parsley.